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Chazen London&Paris RLG Study Tour Spring 2019 - Future Contacts Input

Use this form to enter every contact that you reached out to including those that you contacted but did not meet with. This information will be shared with future student leaders so be as specific and as thorough as possible.

Check all that apply
Please be specific as this information will be passed on to future leaders. Note that there is a 7500 character limit (including spaces) for this note.
Their Company
Who introduced us to this person?
If an external party introduced you to this contact, please add this person's information below. If this is your personal contact, please list yourself. Leave this blank if not applicable.
If so please enter their grad year, if you know it.
If the contact above has a coordinator/assistant/secretary, please add their information below.
Speaker Coordinator/Assistant/Secretary
If so, please enter grad year.
Who introduced us to this person?
If not applicable, please leave blank.
If so, please enter their grad year, if you know it.